4.5 / Weekly
7 / Monthly
49.88 / Yearly
7 / Week
24 / Month
49 / Month
168 / Year
343 / Year
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Total Amount
Once you start a plan it is a big miss if jpg or png to text. Upload photo to our image to text converter, click on submit and get your text file instantly.
No, there is no trial plan, but we provide a weekly plan at a very minimal price of $2.49. You can use this plan as a trial, and if you are satisfied with it, you can continue; otherwise, you can cancel your subscription.
Sure! If your desired plan is not listed here: https://www.imagetotext.info/premium Then you are welcome to contact us at: support@imagetotext.info with your requirements, and I’ll be happy to make a custom plan for you.
Login to your account, click on account settings, and there you will find a button to cancel your subscription. Please click on it.
Yes. We provide an API for accessing our image-to-text converter. The API allows developers to integrate the model into their own applications, products, or services. You can get API here: https://www.imagetotext.info/api-plans
Your data is secure while being used on our website because we do not save any user data.