To use this Text to Word converter, Upload a .TXT file or Copy/Paste your text in the input box. Next, click the Convert Button to convert the text file into Word (DOC, DOCX) with high accuracy.
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Text to word converter is an online tool that convert txt into word file. It intakes textual information and allows you to download a DOC file as an output.
If you want to save your written text in the form of a Word file, then this tool is the best choice for you.
To transform your text into a Word file for free, follow the steps below:
It will automatically download a .doc file of your text to your system.
This tool is the best option for converting text to Word online. Here are some reasons why:
This text to doc converter can be used completely for free. Also, the access is unlimited. You can convert as many TXT files into Word documents as you want.
When you reach the tool page, you see a box in which text can be typed. There is no additional stuff on the page to distract or confuse you.
Also, if you want to upload a text file, there is no long procedure like browsing your computer. You can simply drag the file and drop it into the tool.
Our txt to Word converter does not take any processing time. All the text is converted and downloaded as a Word file with a single click. All you have to do is click on the button.
One downside of using .txt files is that there are no decent formatting options. This tool gives you the option to format your text properly.
There are all kinds of features like bulleting, headings and subheadings, and text optimization.
In order to convert text file into a Word doc, follow these steps:
Enter your text into the input box,and hit the covert button. The output is automatically downloaded as a Word file.
Yes, all your data remain secure when using a free text to word converting tool such as this one. Also, the formatting of your text stays preserved.